Saturday 12 February 2011

Scale Theroy

As a mental tool kit, the theory have been employed in various tasks. The theory formed intentions, acted as or pointed at references, and became the ‘state of mind’ when thinking of certain problems.
flu virus under a microscope
 Scale theory:
As an ‘intention’ All-Scale is a reminder to review the reach of our concepts. Not to just apply each concept as a façade to the finished product but to use the concept on all scales from material choice and detailing to master-planning and the way we deal with the context and how the project will age and be used in the future.

As a ‘reference’ Scale may help to discover methods, arrangements, networking and other compositions from one scale, which may be useful at many other scales. For example, most structural forms can be found in nature at one scale or another. A century ago Antoni Gaudi looked at natural forms, from the hyperbolic curve of a tree-trunk to the parabolic arcs of string and weight models. Gaudi took nature from one scale to another, creating built forms computers have only now begun to produce. 

As a ʻstate of mindʼ Scale is a method of thinking, makes connections
between the different scales within a project.

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