Monday, 2 May 2011

Design and Access Statement

Design and Access Statement, hand in date today.
What are design and access statements?
Statements are documents that explain the design thinking behind a planning application. For example, they should show that the person applying for permission  has thought carefully about how everyone, including disabled people, older people and very young children, will be able to use the places they want to build.
Statements should include a written description and justification of the planning application. Sometimes photos, maps and drawings may be needed to further illustrate the points made. They will be available alongside the application for anyone to see, so should avoid jargon or overly technical language. It is important that they are written specifically for the application they accompany. They need not be very long, but the amount of detail they contain should reflect how complex the application is. So, a statement for a major development is likely to be much longer than one for a single building.
In summary, statements:
• accompany a planning application, but are not part of it
• are needed with most types of application, but not householder applications (except in designated areas) or material change of use (unless it also involves operational development)
• are also required for applications for listed building consent
• need to explain and justify what is being applied for, and
• can be linked to planning decisions by conditions if developers are to be required to follow them

Above is some sample images of my Design and Access Statement.

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