Monday 27 December 2010

Horticultural College 2nd Year Work

Front Cover
Site Analysis

Plans and Section
Environmental Strategy and Techbnology
Sketch book Collection
Remastering my second year work on the Horticultural College. This comprise in developing new storyboard montages, plans and sections, and redrawing my site analysis from scratch. This has improve my photoshop skills in the long run.

Wednesday 22 December 2010
Evolution of Architecture, chapter 2, interesting chapter to read. It tells you hows things are sync together. ppl conform becuase nobody like to be left behind.

Friday 17 December 2010

Final Day

We believe Leeds needs a new city park.  A park in south Leeds would bring more visitors to the area and encourage them to stay longer. An urban farm of mixed private and commercial allotments would generate jobs and income and the produce could be sold in Clarence Dock stimulating a farmer’s market. 
Our vision for Fearn Island is the first phase in this plan.  It will provide Leeds with an urban woodland, a piece of natural land to break the walker’s route through the city... a breathing space and a place for reflection. Bridges lead to and from the island and a meandering walkway takes you through the trees... an ‘artist in residence’ will be located on the Island to provide the spectacle of live workshops and art exhibitions that change the nature of the island season by season. 

There will be four phases to our overall plan for the redevelopment of the Clarence Dock area of Leeds. This is due to the sheer scale and development of our ideas.
  Phase One: Fearns Island and Sculpture Trail
  Phase Two: Clarence Dock and The Royal Armouries Museum
  Phase Three: South Leeds Park- Including sculptures
  Phase Four: Urban Farm/Gardens –market stalls

 First Phase Key Project Deliverables
¢Create a sculptural and focal feature bridge providing ample seating and the provision of a cafe structure
¢Plant a sustainable woodland
¢Plant a seasonal flower meadow along the thin part of island
¢Develop a management plan for the island
¢Establish a sculpture trail along a planned route
In the end the project was successful, as we were one of the winners of cross school design week. The tutors told us that, someday some of our work that been presented might get used in that area. The irony behind that we work for free, even though the RIBA rejects the idea of freedom of knowledge.
It was a great experiance in the last couple of days. I have learnt alot from other ppl who are on other courses, and learn to co-operate with each other, even though times there were conflicts of interests.
In the end we will have to do this in practice so it was a good start.

Thursday 16 December 2010

2nd day

Map of the site, the group decided to extend the area to the city centre, starting from the henry moore musenum. using the idea of picking up berries and following it. where it leads to fern island, to the clarence dock area and to a brand new park.
¢Clarence Dock has been unsuccessful
¢Attractive scheme- what went wrong?  
retail has not attracted target market
not linked to the city centre
does not encourage visitors to ‘linger’
boulevard leads to dead end
island derelict
accentuates run down nature of surrounding areas
Second day was better as the idea has dramatically improved.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Cross School Design Week

Fern Island Project: transforming the area into a populised desination
Architects, landscape architects, town planner, human geograher and project planner from diffrent schools were randomly put together to form a group. Our aim was to win the hearts and minds back from the community where the clarence dock area was once a thriving area. Now it has become a mere dead space during the day.

First Objective: plan on what we going to have on the island
second objective: visit site
third objective: devise a formula on attracting bak to the area

the experiance on the first day was quite difficult. clashes with diffrent ideas, as architects and other professions differ diffrent approaches. Green space with a spiral stair in the middle, in which the non architects came up with. Which was demoralising to me and to rest of the trainee architects.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Tech Hand In

Front Cover

Structural System

Environmental Strategy

Fire Escape

Detailed Construction Sequence

after two and a half months the tech projects is finally finished. 209 slides. each detailing on how the building is built, functions, adapts to its environment and whats within its surrounding environment.
This year tech work, was worked in groups instead of indivually, which was a good idea. as everybody focused on one project. Which turned out to be a brillant idea, as the slides have been fantatsic.
There were no complications as everybody stuck to their desnignated tasks that hav been set aside within the group.

Above are some sample slides of the Norwich Technolgy Project

Friday 10 December 2010


Final critique before the new year, finished all the work for today. The critique went well. minor changes needed to be made such as colour of the paper, it should relate to the work that i have been doing
Overall it has been good review

Feedback Sheet and my personal assesment
They want to know what it will look like.
I have been zoomed in to the details, engineering and industrial designing the components.
However all the tutors have kept asking me;

Test your system.
What will it look like in context
Branding of the sheets

I have been attempting to solve the details, without a master plan. My reasoning has been that I would resolve the components, like the lego brick and then with that build any structure desired within the ability of the system.

My Architecture tutors want to see architectural compositions - whatever that may be.
I argue that architecture does not need to be produced in that way and this could be a paradigm shift. However to present the architecture there will need to be a composition made at some stage and as this is my assignment.
There is also limited time three weeks, till portfolio review, this design does not need to be fully resolved and the important thing is the idea and the sensations which accompany it.
I have now been given free reign to assume that the system works-
A structure carrying all service networks and providing an interface for a secondary structure of componentry with scale and complexity. This secondary structure  can be carried, assembled, disassembled and reassembled elsewhere by a single user out of glass caskets.  An nonspecialist user is able to assemble their packaged build. Connections for electricity from the viaduct and the caskets, plumbing, data and HVAC are as simple as plugging in your TV and eliminate the need and cost of specalised trades.

My personal setup of this system is supposed to achieve these goals:
-motalbilist architecture
-reduce costs, for materials, labor, transport, cranes and 1:1 services
-reduce construction time
-reduce construction waste
-generate a market for second hand building components
-enable easy recycling through sensible material selection and ease of disassembley.
-enable ease of technological integration and upgrading
-standard networks and interchange for resources, rain, mains, grey, black & underground water, grid & alternative power, data and whatever else may be desired eg. beer on tap through a city. and meetering to and from the building, enabling charges, credit and trade of all these.

Its going to be a good Christmas!!!

Sunday 5 December 2010

Zaha Hadid School

Zaha Hadid’s strategic use of glass and lighting creates a sophisticated interior. layered and lovable. This project was intoduced to the school by one of the zaha hadid employees back in early 2010. It is finally completed  and the occupants are in dissarry with this exicting new building.