Wednesday 15 December 2010

Cross School Design Week

Fern Island Project: transforming the area into a populised desination
Architects, landscape architects, town planner, human geograher and project planner from diffrent schools were randomly put together to form a group. Our aim was to win the hearts and minds back from the community where the clarence dock area was once a thriving area. Now it has become a mere dead space during the day.

First Objective: plan on what we going to have on the island
second objective: visit site
third objective: devise a formula on attracting bak to the area

the experiance on the first day was quite difficult. clashes with diffrent ideas, as architects and other professions differ diffrent approaches. Green space with a spiral stair in the middle, in which the non architects came up with. Which was demoralising to me and to rest of the trainee architects.

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