Friday 10 December 2010


Final critique before the new year, finished all the work for today. The critique went well. minor changes needed to be made such as colour of the paper, it should relate to the work that i have been doing
Overall it has been good review

Feedback Sheet and my personal assesment
They want to know what it will look like.
I have been zoomed in to the details, engineering and industrial designing the components.
However all the tutors have kept asking me;

Test your system.
What will it look like in context
Branding of the sheets

I have been attempting to solve the details, without a master plan. My reasoning has been that I would resolve the components, like the lego brick and then with that build any structure desired within the ability of the system.

My Architecture tutors want to see architectural compositions - whatever that may be.
I argue that architecture does not need to be produced in that way and this could be a paradigm shift. However to present the architecture there will need to be a composition made at some stage and as this is my assignment.
There is also limited time three weeks, till portfolio review, this design does not need to be fully resolved and the important thing is the idea and the sensations which accompany it.
I have now been given free reign to assume that the system works-
A structure carrying all service networks and providing an interface for a secondary structure of componentry with scale and complexity. This secondary structure  can be carried, assembled, disassembled and reassembled elsewhere by a single user out of glass caskets.  An nonspecialist user is able to assemble their packaged build. Connections for electricity from the viaduct and the caskets, plumbing, data and HVAC are as simple as plugging in your TV and eliminate the need and cost of specalised trades.

My personal setup of this system is supposed to achieve these goals:
-motalbilist architecture
-reduce costs, for materials, labor, transport, cranes and 1:1 services
-reduce construction time
-reduce construction waste
-generate a market for second hand building components
-enable easy recycling through sensible material selection and ease of disassembley.
-enable ease of technological integration and upgrading
-standard networks and interchange for resources, rain, mains, grey, black & underground water, grid & alternative power, data and whatever else may be desired eg. beer on tap through a city. and meetering to and from the building, enabling charges, credit and trade of all these.

Its going to be a good Christmas!!!

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