Friday 17 December 2010

Final Day

We believe Leeds needs a new city park.  A park in south Leeds would bring more visitors to the area and encourage them to stay longer. An urban farm of mixed private and commercial allotments would generate jobs and income and the produce could be sold in Clarence Dock stimulating a farmer’s market. 
Our vision for Fearn Island is the first phase in this plan.  It will provide Leeds with an urban woodland, a piece of natural land to break the walker’s route through the city... a breathing space and a place for reflection. Bridges lead to and from the island and a meandering walkway takes you through the trees... an ‘artist in residence’ will be located on the Island to provide the spectacle of live workshops and art exhibitions that change the nature of the island season by season. 

There will be four phases to our overall plan for the redevelopment of the Clarence Dock area of Leeds. This is due to the sheer scale and development of our ideas.
  Phase One: Fearns Island and Sculpture Trail
  Phase Two: Clarence Dock and The Royal Armouries Museum
  Phase Three: South Leeds Park- Including sculptures
  Phase Four: Urban Farm/Gardens –market stalls

 First Phase Key Project Deliverables
¢Create a sculptural and focal feature bridge providing ample seating and the provision of a cafe structure
¢Plant a sustainable woodland
¢Plant a seasonal flower meadow along the thin part of island
¢Develop a management plan for the island
¢Establish a sculpture trail along a planned route
In the end the project was successful, as we were one of the winners of cross school design week. The tutors told us that, someday some of our work that been presented might get used in that area. The irony behind that we work for free, even though the RIBA rejects the idea of freedom of knowledge.
It was a great experiance in the last couple of days. I have learnt alot from other ppl who are on other courses, and learn to co-operate with each other, even though times there were conflicts of interests.
In the end we will have to do this in practice so it was a good start.

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